Looking ahead (calendar)
CSI Niagara offers peer support groups every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, as highlighted below.
We encourage respect for all persons, which allows group members to have a safe environment, to share their own experiences, and to get the support of others.
Note that you must be 16 years of age or older to attend.
For more information, please call 905-732-4498 or send an email to: consumer.survivor@bellnet.ca.
Every Monday, in St. Catharines (3:30 PM to 5:30 PM)
Every Wednesday, in Welland (6:00 PM to 8:00 PM)
Every Monday, in St. Catharines (1:00 PM to 3:00 PM)
Every Wednesday, in Welland (3:30 PM to 5:30 PM)
Every Friday, in St. Catharines (10:00 AM to 12:00 PM)
Other important dates this year include...
June is ALS Awareness Month
June is also Stroke Awareness Month
June 10 - 16: Canadian Men's Health Week
June 15 (Saturday): Oak Centre's Annual Golf Tournament (click here for details)
June 16 (Sunday): Father's Day
June 21 (Friday): June Solstice
June 21 (Friday): National Indigenous People's Day
June 23 (Sunday): Ride Don't Hide: Bring Mental Health into the Open
July 1 (Monday): Canada Day
July 24 (Wednesday): International Self-Care Day
July 28 (Sunday): World Hepatitis Day
July 30 (Tuesday): International Day of Friendship
August 5 (Monday): Civic Holiday
August 12 (Monday): International Youth Day
August 19 (Monday): World Humanitarian Day
August 31 (Saturday): International Overdose Awareness Day
September is World Alzheimer's Month
September 2 (Monday): Labour Day
September 10 (Tuesday): World Suicide Prevention Day
September 21 (Saturday): World Alzheimer's Day
September 23 (Monday): September Equinox
September 23-25 (Monday - Wednesday): Canadian Mental Health Association's National Conference
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Also this month (dates to be announced): Mental Illness Awareness Week
October 10 (Thursday): World Mental Health Day
October 14 (Monday): Thanksgiving Day
October 31 (Saturday): Halloween
November 3 (Sunday): Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 5 - 8 (Tuesday - Friday): World Mental Health Congress (Buenos Aires)
November 11 (Monday): Remembrance Day
November 13 (Wednesday): World Kindness Day
November 16 (Saturday): International Day of Tolerance
November 20 - 22 (Friday - Sunday): The Canadian Mental Health Summit (Calgary)
November 25 (Monday): International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
December 1 (Sunday): World AIDS Day
December 10 (Tuesday): Human Rights Day
December 20 (Friday): International Human Solidarity Day
December 21 (Saturday): December Solstice
December 25 (Wednesday): Christmas Day
December 26 (Thursday): Boxing Day
December 31 (Tuesday): New Year's Eve
(Incorporated on February 10, 1997 | Incorporée le 10 février 1997 ; Ontario Corporation Number | numéro de la société ontarienne : 1169248)
© The Consumer Survivor Initiative of Niagara, 2023, all rights reserved | L'initiative des survivants de la consommation de Niagara, 2023, tous droits réservés.
CSI Niagara is funded by the Hamilton, Niagara, Haldimand, Brant Local Health Integration Network
CSI Niagara est financé par le réseau local d'intégration des services de santé de Hamilton, Niagara, Haldimand

Last update | dernière mise à jour : 2023-11-03